This Fallen World Originates from Private Desires
Today's Daily Inspiration is now posted:
This Fallen World Originates from Private Desires | Daily Inspiration
to this day no one could confidently claim, “My body has gone to such a place. My mind, my heart, my life, and my ideals have hastened there;Richard Urban (Daily Inspiration)
We Know the Spirit World Exists
Today's Daily Inspiration is now posted:
We Know the Spirit World Exists | Daily Inspiration
We Unification Church members are sure about the existence of the spirit world. We do not just believe it, we know it.Richard Urban (Daily Inspiration)
#184-Vaccine Choice for West Virginia-Kudos to Governor Patrick Morrisey
On his first full day in office, January 14, 2025, West Virginia’s new governor, Patrick Morrisey, issued an executive order giving all West Virginians the ability to seek religious exemptions for vaccinations required for school attendance.
West Virginians have battled for decades to have this basic right.
West Virginians have battled for decades to have this basic right.
#184-Vaccine Choice for West Virginia-Kudos to Governor Patrick Morrisey - VisionRoot
On his first full day in office, January 14, 2025, West Virginia’s new governor, Patrick Morrisey, issued an executive order giving all West Virginians the…Richard Urban (VisionRoot)
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
We Marry to Resemble God
The Daily Inspiration is now posted:
Not Many People Understand the Meaning of the Blessing
Today's Daily Inspiration is now posted:
Not Many People Understand the Meaning of the Blessing | Daily Inspiration
Among the many people living in this world today, there are not that many who understand the meaning of the Blessing taught by the Unification Church.Richard Urban (Daily Inspiration)
You Can Become God’s Friend | Daily Inspiration
Today's Daily Inspiration is now posted:
You Can Become God’s Friend | Daily Inspiration
Once you acquire the position of true love, you can go freely to God’s position and to His throne in the heavenly nation.Richard Urban (Daily Inspiration)
Whatever You Do, You Should Think That It Is for the Sake of Eternal Life
Today's Daily Inspiration is now posted:
Yesterday's Daily Inspiration:
We honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. today, and are thankful for his pioneering work.,_Jr.
Congratulations to President Donald J. Trump on his inauguration as the 47th President of the United States.
Yesterday's Daily Inspiration:
We honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. today, and are thankful for his pioneering work.,_Jr.
Congratulations to President Donald J. Trump on his inauguration as the 47th President of the United States.
West Virginia governor axes DEI and enacts vaccine exemptions on first full day in office
Patrick Morrisey axes DEI and enacts vaccine exemptions on first full day in office
Republican Gov. Patrick Morrisey issued a slew of aggressive executive orders on his first full day as West Virginia's chief executive Tuesday, including one enabling families to receive religious exemptions from required school vaccinations - a…Leah Willingham (The Washington Times)
Farming the land intensively and prosperously
Extensive or Intensive?
Early on in my farming career, I was able to spend some time with a very successful fruit farmer on the Mission Peninsula, up by Traverse City Michigan. That is about an hour north of where my farm is located. I was relating to him one of my experiences with the USDA. Each year they send a survey to farmers to try to get a feel for what their production was, and on how many acres of land. I had been sending my survey in, but I received a phone call. The woman on the other end of the line wanted to set up a time she could come out and do the survey with me. Well I thought, ok that is fine. She came to the farm and we began filling out the different questions on the survey. She was blown away. You see I was making $40,000 on 1/8th of an acre. Back at the USDA office I am sure they thought there must have been some kind of error on my part filling it out. No. No error. I was just farming in a way that they had never encountered before. What was even more astonishing was the fact I had no debt and my expenses were very minimal. After I showed her everything I was doing and she could see it for herself, she looked at me and said “If I was going to farm, this is the way I would do it!” Why was she so excited about what I was doing? Because all most all the farmers she encounters are deeply in debt, have massive amounts of expenses, and barely making any money. Most have to have another job to support the farm.
After I related this story to the older farmer, he shared something with me that has always stuck with me. I have seen how true it is time and time again. He said, “you can make money at farming, but only two ways. You either have to be very intensive, like you are, or you have to be extremely extensive and farm vast areas of land. Anyone that is trying to make it in the middle is often being crushed by the system.”
The system has been purposely rigged to favor the huge corporate farms. Think in terms of Bill Gates owning more farm land than anyone else. The mantra years ago from the USDA was “Get big or get out!” They wanted people off the farms and in the cities. You can’t so easily control people that are debt free and more self sufficient. There were too many mid sized family farms. The system did everything it could to crush them.
Something you need to realize about farming mono crops on large acreage though. You are creating a situation that is very unusual in living systems. It is very purposeful though. Something that is unhealthy is more profitable. These big Pharma companies have created an agricultural landscape, encouraged by the universities they fund, that is dependent on their inputs. Corn fields of thousands of acres are very dependent on pesticides. They want it this way. Corn grown in my intensive garden doesn’t need any pesticidal crutch. The system cannot make any money off of me.
The massive amount of almond trees in California that flower briefly and bee keepers from all over bring their bees in for pollination. Why do the bees have to be shipped in, sometimes from other places in the world? Because the rest of the year no bees can be sustained by the mono crop. There is no diversity there to help sustain them. If those same trees were planted in thousands of diverse gardens, that people were tending, the pollinators would be there and healthy.
Why is intensive agriculture, like what I am doing, so profitable though? Well it is a lot of manual labor. I don’t use a lot of fossil fuel to produce food. Most of the fuel I use is to run a generator, that runs a water pump, so I can water my plants. Most everything else is hand tools. I have to be highly skilled to do my job well. But also willing to work really hard at times. I save a lot of my own seeds, so even there I hardly spend any money. I have avoided debt, like the plague.
Some of you are still saying though, $40,000 on 1/8th of an acer? When you farm very intensively, you are able to attend to details very closely. It is very hard to be detailed oriented from the seat of a tractor. I am dealing with individual plants. Most farmers never really ever focus on an individual plant, in their vast thousands of acres. Because I am able to focus so intently on quality, I am able to get top dollar for what I produce. At that time pretty much all our produce was going to one Chef in Traverse City. He is very talented and has become very well known. He has specialized in buying from local farms. In fact he was one of the first Chefs in America to focus on local farm to table. He has always paid his local produces really well. He doesn’t care if I grow organically or not. What he wants is flavor. It just so happens that the secret to incredible flavor is mineral dense food, produced on highly biological soil. I will never forget getting a call from him one time and hearing him say “you are out of control!” I was thinking, what? I had just delivered some beets to him and he had cooked up the first batch. He had never tasted anything like it before. The quality of the beets were so good, he went through 8000 pounds in one season. This is one restaurant. The waiters would tell me that the plates would come back like they had been licked clean. Most people are not use to getting food that is mineral dense. It can be near addictive, in a culture where most food is being produced on soil that is mineral depleted. Back in 1940 people were coming before congress warning about how poor the soils in American had become. How many yeas ago was that?!
As I have been teaching my Soilsmith Learning Series, I am not trying to alienate larger producers. A teacher can only rightfully teach what they truly know and have experienced. I have no personal experience with big farming practices. I would point people to Joel Salatin and Gabe Brown if you want to learn about larger models. My mentors have been Eliot Coleman and John Jeavons. Both men that specialize in producing large quantities of food from small growing areas.
I am sure some of you are thinking that the food I am growing is probably expensive. Out of the price range of most people. This has always fascinated me to think about. When I was a finish carpenter, people wouldn’t hesitate to pay me $30-$40 an hour to do high quality trim work. But the same person would choke if they had to pay a farmer the same wage. I did make really good money to produce the high quality food. I had to be very diligent and skilled to do it. You would think that the person that is growing the food that nurtures our bodies would be even more important to pay well. That is not the way people think.
The reality is if you go back several hundred years ago, the only people that would have bought all their food from someone else were very wealthy people. Most people were producing food themselves. How did we go from most everyone producing food to such a small segment of the population doing it now, and barely making any money at it? The industrial revolution, fueled by fossil fuels. I am not anti fossil fuels. But you do need to understand something about them.
When an oil company pulls a barrel of oil out of the ground, they can do it for around $5. That number may have increased some, but just for the sake of argument let’s say the $5 is true. When they refine that 55 gallons of oil into gasoline, they get about 34 gallons of fuel. Now put that 34 gallons of gasoline in the average car. How far can it go? Let’s say around 600 miles. Now this is what is so amazing. The calories of energy in that 34 gallons of gasoline, is the equivalent of twelve strong Amish men working for you 40 hour a week all year. When I first heard that I though, no way! But think about it. How long would it take twelve Amish men to push your car 600 miles? Yup! So the oil company can basically hire twelve men for next to nothing. That is what has allowed almost nobody to grow their own food, yet get the food quite cheap. The problem is the food is substandard. We were more worried about getting cheap food than we were better quality food. People are more worried about fancy trim in their homes than the nutritional quality of their food to support their health.
I am of the belief that more people should be on the land growing high quality food. I personally question just how good the industrial revolution has been for agriculture and this nations soils. I hear all the time we have to have GMO’s and big Ag to feed everyone. Yes if you expect that one percent of the population is going to be the only ones growing food. God designed man to be regenerative. That means he is capable of producing more than he needs. This allows him to be a giver. If 90% of the people were once again involved in producing food, there would be an abundance of food. That is why they have worked so hard to get people off the land. They know if they can control the corporate farms, own the patented seeds, and reduce the number of people that know how to grow food to a fraction of the population, they have you right where they want you. Yes and most everyone has gladly followed along. Farming is just too hard of work for the average person.
So as I continue to go through this Soilsmith Learning Series, just realize I am sharing with you the very refined quality aspects of intensive agriculture. Many of the things I share will not be feasible for someone that is use to doing most everything from the seat of a tractor. I am not seeking to put down the farmer that is growing on vast acres of land. I am seeking to help that 90% to get back in the game. The best way, is to teach them how to be productive, on a very small plot of land. This is one of my favorite quotes from Abraham Lincoln.
“The greatest fine art of the future will be the making of a comfortable living from a small piece of land”
This I have been doing for the last twenty years. This I feel very qualified to share with other people. God bless everyone’s evening!
From Gab:
Early on in my farming career, I was able to spend some time with a very successful fruit farmer on the Mission Peninsula, up by Traverse City Michigan. That is about an hour north of where my farm is located. I was relating to him one of my experiences with the USDA. Each year they send a survey to farmers to try to get a feel for what their production was, and on how many acres of land. I had been sending my survey in, but I received a phone call. The woman on the other end of the line wanted to set up a time she could come out and do the survey with me. Well I thought, ok that is fine. She came to the farm and we began filling out the different questions on the survey. She was blown away. You see I was making $40,000 on 1/8th of an acre. Back at the USDA office I am sure they thought there must have been some kind of error on my part filling it out. No. No error. I was just farming in a way that they had never encountered before. What was even more astonishing was the fact I had no debt and my expenses were very minimal. After I showed her everything I was doing and she could see it for herself, she looked at me and said “If I was going to farm, this is the way I would do it!” Why was she so excited about what I was doing? Because all most all the farmers she encounters are deeply in debt, have massive amounts of expenses, and barely making any money. Most have to have another job to support the farm.
After I related this story to the older farmer, he shared something with me that has always stuck with me. I have seen how true it is time and time again. He said, “you can make money at farming, but only two ways. You either have to be very intensive, like you are, or you have to be extremely extensive and farm vast areas of land. Anyone that is trying to make it in the middle is often being crushed by the system.”
The system has been purposely rigged to favor the huge corporate farms. Think in terms of Bill Gates owning more farm land than anyone else. The mantra years ago from the USDA was “Get big or get out!” They wanted people off the farms and in the cities. You can’t so easily control people that are debt free and more self sufficient. There were too many mid sized family farms. The system did everything it could to crush them.
Something you need to realize about farming mono crops on large acreage though. You are creating a situation that is very unusual in living systems. It is very purposeful though. Something that is unhealthy is more profitable. These big Pharma companies have created an agricultural landscape, encouraged by the universities they fund, that is dependent on their inputs. Corn fields of thousands of acres are very dependent on pesticides. They want it this way. Corn grown in my intensive garden doesn’t need any pesticidal crutch. The system cannot make any money off of me.
The massive amount of almond trees in California that flower briefly and bee keepers from all over bring their bees in for pollination. Why do the bees have to be shipped in, sometimes from other places in the world? Because the rest of the year no bees can be sustained by the mono crop. There is no diversity there to help sustain them. If those same trees were planted in thousands of diverse gardens, that people were tending, the pollinators would be there and healthy.
Why is intensive agriculture, like what I am doing, so profitable though? Well it is a lot of manual labor. I don’t use a lot of fossil fuel to produce food. Most of the fuel I use is to run a generator, that runs a water pump, so I can water my plants. Most everything else is hand tools. I have to be highly skilled to do my job well. But also willing to work really hard at times. I save a lot of my own seeds, so even there I hardly spend any money. I have avoided debt, like the plague.
Some of you are still saying though, $40,000 on 1/8th of an acer? When you farm very intensively, you are able to attend to details very closely. It is very hard to be detailed oriented from the seat of a tractor. I am dealing with individual plants. Most farmers never really ever focus on an individual plant, in their vast thousands of acres. Because I am able to focus so intently on quality, I am able to get top dollar for what I produce. At that time pretty much all our produce was going to one Chef in Traverse City. He is very talented and has become very well known. He has specialized in buying from local farms. In fact he was one of the first Chefs in America to focus on local farm to table. He has always paid his local produces really well. He doesn’t care if I grow organically or not. What he wants is flavor. It just so happens that the secret to incredible flavor is mineral dense food, produced on highly biological soil. I will never forget getting a call from him one time and hearing him say “you are out of control!” I was thinking, what? I had just delivered some beets to him and he had cooked up the first batch. He had never tasted anything like it before. The quality of the beets were so good, he went through 8000 pounds in one season. This is one restaurant. The waiters would tell me that the plates would come back like they had been licked clean. Most people are not use to getting food that is mineral dense. It can be near addictive, in a culture where most food is being produced on soil that is mineral depleted. Back in 1940 people were coming before congress warning about how poor the soils in American had become. How many yeas ago was that?!
As I have been teaching my Soilsmith Learning Series, I am not trying to alienate larger producers. A teacher can only rightfully teach what they truly know and have experienced. I have no personal experience with big farming practices. I would point people to Joel Salatin and Gabe Brown if you want to learn about larger models. My mentors have been Eliot Coleman and John Jeavons. Both men that specialize in producing large quantities of food from small growing areas.
I am sure some of you are thinking that the food I am growing is probably expensive. Out of the price range of most people. This has always fascinated me to think about. When I was a finish carpenter, people wouldn’t hesitate to pay me $30-$40 an hour to do high quality trim work. But the same person would choke if they had to pay a farmer the same wage. I did make really good money to produce the high quality food. I had to be very diligent and skilled to do it. You would think that the person that is growing the food that nurtures our bodies would be even more important to pay well. That is not the way people think.
The reality is if you go back several hundred years ago, the only people that would have bought all their food from someone else were very wealthy people. Most people were producing food themselves. How did we go from most everyone producing food to such a small segment of the population doing it now, and barely making any money at it? The industrial revolution, fueled by fossil fuels. I am not anti fossil fuels. But you do need to understand something about them.
When an oil company pulls a barrel of oil out of the ground, they can do it for around $5. That number may have increased some, but just for the sake of argument let’s say the $5 is true. When they refine that 55 gallons of oil into gasoline, they get about 34 gallons of fuel. Now put that 34 gallons of gasoline in the average car. How far can it go? Let’s say around 600 miles. Now this is what is so amazing. The calories of energy in that 34 gallons of gasoline, is the equivalent of twelve strong Amish men working for you 40 hour a week all year. When I first heard that I though, no way! But think about it. How long would it take twelve Amish men to push your car 600 miles? Yup! So the oil company can basically hire twelve men for next to nothing. That is what has allowed almost nobody to grow their own food, yet get the food quite cheap. The problem is the food is substandard. We were more worried about getting cheap food than we were better quality food. People are more worried about fancy trim in their homes than the nutritional quality of their food to support their health.
I am of the belief that more people should be on the land growing high quality food. I personally question just how good the industrial revolution has been for agriculture and this nations soils. I hear all the time we have to have GMO’s and big Ag to feed everyone. Yes if you expect that one percent of the population is going to be the only ones growing food. God designed man to be regenerative. That means he is capable of producing more than he needs. This allows him to be a giver. If 90% of the people were once again involved in producing food, there would be an abundance of food. That is why they have worked so hard to get people off the land. They know if they can control the corporate farms, own the patented seeds, and reduce the number of people that know how to grow food to a fraction of the population, they have you right where they want you. Yes and most everyone has gladly followed along. Farming is just too hard of work for the average person.
So as I continue to go through this Soilsmith Learning Series, just realize I am sharing with you the very refined quality aspects of intensive agriculture. Many of the things I share will not be feasible for someone that is use to doing most everything from the seat of a tractor. I am not seeking to put down the farmer that is growing on vast acres of land. I am seeking to help that 90% to get back in the game. The best way, is to teach them how to be productive, on a very small plot of land. This is one of my favorite quotes from Abraham Lincoln.
“The greatest fine art of the future will be the making of a comfortable living from a small piece of land”
This I have been doing for the last twenty years. This I feel very qualified to share with other people. God bless everyone’s evening!
From Gab:
Why Don't State Attorney Generals Want to Investigate Corrupt Elections?
U4F - United Sovereign Americans
United Sovereign Americans is dedicated to protecting our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness by assuring trustworthy electionsUnited Sovereign Americans
Chinese Influence Operations in the United States and Escalation of the War in Ukraine
Biden and Harris seem to unite with the Neocons in trying to create instability prior to the installation of Donald J Trump as the 47th President of the United States. Biden needs to be impeached immediately, and removed using the 25th Amendment immediately.
#CommunistInfluence![THE AMERICAN JOURNAL [1 of 3] Thursday 11/21/24 • RUSSIA HITS UKRAINE WITH NEW ‘ADVANCED WEAPONS’](
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Election Integrity Is Still a Top Priority for all States and the Nation
Trump Won, But Rigged Elections Still Need To Be Un-Rigged
The institutions that make elections less free and fair, from the corporate press to corrupt election offices, are weakened but not reformed.Elle Purnell (The Federalist)
Where did Biden's 2020 14 Million Voters Go?
THE EXTRA 20 MILLION VOTES: DID THEY EXIST? Mark Mitchell from Rasmussen talks about the concerns over election integrity but the amazing gains for the RED WAVE. "What we need is an election taskforceRumble
Hindus and Christians in India Pray for President Trump
Hindu Priests and Christian Children in India Gather to Pray for Trump’s Return to Office
Hindu priests and Christian children in India have gathered to offer prayers for former U.S. President Donald Trump, calling for his victor...Planet Today (Blogger)
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
After 4 years in the wilderness, God had mercy on our nation.Contrarian Coffeehouse (Richard’s Substack)
Congratulations to President Donald J. Trump on being elected the 47th President of the United States!
Let’s make America good again, centered on strengthening families, where the love of a husband and wife is sacred. This is the mission of our organization, VisionRoot:
We promote a world where the culture of sexual abstinence in preparation for marriage is honored and where the welfare of children comes before the pleasure of adults. We uplift God’s plan for the family; a loving, God-centered husband and wife and the children that their union creates.
We promote a world where the culture of sexual abstinence in preparation for marriage is honored and where the welfare of children comes before the pleasure of adults. We uplift God’s plan for the family; a loving, God-centered husband and wife and the children that their union creates.
Candidate Interviews, Thornton Cooper, May Ann Claytor, Cara Keys, Bill Ridenour, Erika Kolenich & Jack Hefestay
See all candidate interviews:
See all candidate interviews:
#171-Jack Hefestay on the Root Cause of Societal Decline
#171-Jack Hefestay on the Root Cause of Societal Decline - VisionRoot
Jack Hefestay and Richard discuss the root cause of societal decline, the breakdown of the family. Richard presents a practical plan to tackle this issue.Richard Urban (VisionRoot)
#170-Richie Robb on Strengthening Families and Communities
#170-Richie Robb on Strengthening Families - VisionRoot
Richie Robb and Richard Urban discuss the importance of focusing on the cause of societal problems, which is family breakdown. In West Virginia…Richard Urban (VisionRoot)
#169-Michael Marshall on Mandatory LBGTQ Indoctrination in Montgomery County Maryland Schools
#169-Michael Marshall on Mandatory LBGTQ Indoctrination in Montgomery County Maryland Schools - VisionRoot
Guest Michael Marshall discusses how Montgomery County Md. makes LGBTQ indoctrination mandatory. LGBTQ books are included in English lessons for grades as young…Richard Urban (VisionRoot)
WV Elections 2024-Jefferson County WV Board of Education & Statewide Primary-Candidate Interviews
#2024 West Virginia Primary Election
#2024 West Virginia Primary Election
WV Elections 2024-Jefferson County WV Board of Education & Statewide Primary-Candidate Interviews - VisionRoot
Other candidates for the races below were contacted multiple times, but did not respond or declined to be interviewed.VisionRoot
#151-Interview with Jack Hefestay-Republican Candidate for County Commissioner-Charles Town District
#151-Interview with Jack Hefestay-Republican Candidate for County Commissioner-Charles Town District - VisionRoot
Listen to the Audio Podcast Candidate website: hefestay.Richard Urban (VisionRoot)
#149-Our Nation Is at an Inflection Point
Many events happened on February 16th, 2024, including the $400 million plus judgement against President Trump that show that this is an inflection point. Find out about these events and where we are headed and what is needed.
#148: Parental Involvement In Your Child’s Marriage Is Crucial
#148: Parental Involvement In Your Child’s Marriage Is Crucial - VisionRoot
The most important factor in success or failure in life is preparing yourself for marriage with abstinence and character development and then finding a God…Richard Urban (VisionRoot)
#147-Stop the Prosecution of Commissioners Krouse and Jackson
#147-Stop the Prosecution of Commissioners Krouse and Jackson - VisionRoot
Jefferson County WV Commissioners Krouse and Jackson are being prosecuted by County Prosecutor Matt Harvey because of their work stoppage in protest of the…Richard Urban (VisionRoot)
Announcing The Site for Finding Your Eternal Match
Arguably, the most important decision you will ever make is finding your marriage partner.
Meet the challenge of being the best person you can be in order to find the best person to be your eternal match. is intended for those who have remained abstinent from sex in preparation for marriage, or those who have returned to abstinence before marriage.
All participants will take a 40-day Blessing Preparation Course before making their profile at The Blessing Preparation Course begins January 16th, 2024. When you register, the Blessing Preparation online Course is included, as well as a one-year membership in
Those who find their eternal partner at will receive the Blessing of Marriage in a public or private ceremony.
Those who are already married can receive the Marriage Blessing initiated by Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his wife, too and can register here.
Start your journey to find your eternal match today by registering at
The Blessing Preparation Course begins on January 16th, 2024.
Register now: is a project of Urban Life Training.
Meet the challenge of being the best person you can be in order to find the best person to be your eternal match. is intended for those who have remained abstinent from sex in preparation for marriage, or those who have returned to abstinence before marriage.
All participants will take a 40-day Blessing Preparation Course before making their profile at The Blessing Preparation Course begins January 16th, 2024. When you register, the Blessing Preparation online Course is included, as well as a one-year membership in
Those who find their eternal partner at will receive the Blessing of Marriage in a public or private ceremony.
Those who are already married can receive the Marriage Blessing initiated by Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his wife, too and can register here.
Start your journey to find your eternal match today by registering at
The Blessing Preparation Course begins on January 16th, 2024.
Register now: is a project of Urban Life Training.
Registration for Singles -
Register here for a one year basic membership in for $29 US, or $10 US in Africa. The registration fee includes the required 40 day online…
COVID Jab Pushers Guilty of Mass Negligent Homicide
Dr. Peter McCullough: Who Is Guilty Of Mass Negligent Homicide For Promoting Covid Vaccines
"Any time a biopharmaceutical product remains on the market, despite excess mortality, and mounting and mounting evidence suggesting greater and greater deaths are accumulating with each and every dayRumble
Open Letter to Prosecutor Matt Harvey re County Commissioners Jackson and Krouse
Matt Harvey
Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney
P.O. Box 729
Charles Town WV 25414
Dear Prosecutor Harvey,
This is an open letter to question and analyze why you are continuing with the petition to remove my local Commissioner, Tricia Jackson, as well as my Commissioner Jennifer Krouse.
Ostensibly, your action was to compel Jackson and Krouse to return to work. Now that they have returned to work, why have you not dropped this petition?
Is it your job to determine who the rightfully elected representatives of Jefferson County residents are? No, it is not. That is the job of the voters. I, as a voter, do not want Commissioner Jackson and Commissioner Krouse removed. Also, you bring charges against Jackson and Krouse as if they have committed some crime, when in fact their actions were a protest against corrupt activities by a government official. Would not the normal order of business be for a crime to have occurred, and then for a jury of peers to decide if that is indeed the case? The Constitution provides for a clear separation of powers. Voters should decide about matters regarding elected officials. Yet, without any criminal activity occurring, you are seeking to remove my elected officials from office. This is wrong.
It is also very ironic that the person who is the instigating cause for the protest action of Jackson and Krouse is actually the person who has huge conflicts of interest. Even if they do not rise to the legal definition of a crime, which as we know, is open to interpretation, they still certainly are conflicts of interest. These conflicts of interest affect the welfare and well-being of all citizens of Jefferson County. Should not this be acknowledged and probed further to see if the financial interest of Stolipher in solar development is self-dealing that causes harm to the citizens of Jefferson County?
In your petition, you cover extensively how Jackson and Krouse are only thinking about their own agenda. However, that is false. They are thinking about the well-being of the whole county and its residents, not just a select few people.
One thing you do not mention at all in your petition, is the main reason that the entire situation came about to begin with. That one thing is the railroading of industrial solar development in Jefferson County by Steve Stolipher and his cronies. The main action that is behind this whole situation are Stolipher’s refusal to put discussion of the Solar Text Amendment on the County Commission Agenda. No doubt, Stolipher, was not happy with the removal of the Solar Text Amendment by Jackson and Krouse’s votes on September 7, 2023.
One point that you should be investigated is the huge conflicts of interest that Stolipher undeniably has. Whether some ethics committee panel decides that conflicts of interest arise to their interpretation of being legally acceptable, they are still conflicts of interest. To give a current example, President Biden continues to say that he has no conflicts of interest regarding his decision making process. Yet it is an incontrovertible fact that he has many conflicts of interest with regards to payments to his family from foreign entities in Ukraine, China and other locations.
Stolipher has multiple conflicts of interest regarding solar development. First, as a real estate agent, he makes commissions off of the sale or leasing of properties. Since solar farm leases are for up to 35 years, this will be a substantial amount. For example, if the real estate agent negotiating the $15,600,000 35 year lease for the Wild Hill Solar project hypothetically received just a 3% commission, that would amount to $468,000.
The current Comprehensive Plan specifies preserving the rural nature of Jefferson County, and does not support industrial scale solar farms on rural lands. County Judge Deborah McLaughlin expressed this in striking down the April 21, 2021 Comprehensive Plan text amendment. By lobbying during the 2022 Legislative Session for HB 4553, Stolipher is supporting state legislation that attempts to skirt local zoning regulations by allowing solar farms in any zoning district anywhere in the state as a matter of right. This is in direct contradiction to his responsibility as a County Commissioner to represent the best interests of all of his constituents, not just a handful of large landowners and farmers. In other words, this lobbying it is self-dealing.
In conclusion, I urge you to drop the petition attempting to remove County Commissioners Jackson and Krouse. They have been looking out for the best interests of all of the citizens in Jefferson County. If voters want to remove Jackson and Krouse they will decide that issue at the ballot box at their next reelection.
Richard Urban
Harpers Ferry, WV
Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney
P.O. Box 729
Charles Town WV 25414
Dear Prosecutor Harvey,
This is an open letter to question and analyze why you are continuing with the petition to remove my local Commissioner, Tricia Jackson, as well as my Commissioner Jennifer Krouse.
Ostensibly, your action was to compel Jackson and Krouse to return to work. Now that they have returned to work, why have you not dropped this petition?
Is it your job to determine who the rightfully elected representatives of Jefferson County residents are? No, it is not. That is the job of the voters. I, as a voter, do not want Commissioner Jackson and Commissioner Krouse removed. Also, you bring charges against Jackson and Krouse as if they have committed some crime, when in fact their actions were a protest against corrupt activities by a government official. Would not the normal order of business be for a crime to have occurred, and then for a jury of peers to decide if that is indeed the case? The Constitution provides for a clear separation of powers. Voters should decide about matters regarding elected officials. Yet, without any criminal activity occurring, you are seeking to remove my elected officials from office. This is wrong.
It is also very ironic that the person who is the instigating cause for the protest action of Jackson and Krouse is actually the person who has huge conflicts of interest. Even if they do not rise to the legal definition of a crime, which as we know, is open to interpretation, they still certainly are conflicts of interest. These conflicts of interest affect the welfare and well-being of all citizens of Jefferson County. Should not this be acknowledged and probed further to see if the financial interest of Stolipher in solar development is self-dealing that causes harm to the citizens of Jefferson County?
In your petition, you cover extensively how Jackson and Krouse are only thinking about their own agenda. However, that is false. They are thinking about the well-being of the whole county and its residents, not just a select few people.
One thing you do not mention at all in your petition, is the main reason that the entire situation came about to begin with. That one thing is the railroading of industrial solar development in Jefferson County by Steve Stolipher and his cronies. The main action that is behind this whole situation are Stolipher’s refusal to put discussion of the Solar Text Amendment on the County Commission Agenda. No doubt, Stolipher, was not happy with the removal of the Solar Text Amendment by Jackson and Krouse’s votes on September 7, 2023.
One point that you should be investigated is the huge conflicts of interest that Stolipher undeniably has. Whether some ethics committee panel decides that conflicts of interest arise to their interpretation of being legally acceptable, they are still conflicts of interest. To give a current example, President Biden continues to say that he has no conflicts of interest regarding his decision making process. Yet it is an incontrovertible fact that he has many conflicts of interest with regards to payments to his family from foreign entities in Ukraine, China and other locations.
Stolipher has multiple conflicts of interest regarding solar development. First, as a real estate agent, he makes commissions off of the sale or leasing of properties. Since solar farm leases are for up to 35 years, this will be a substantial amount. For example, if the real estate agent negotiating the $15,600,000 35 year lease for the Wild Hill Solar project hypothetically received just a 3% commission, that would amount to $468,000.
The current Comprehensive Plan specifies preserving the rural nature of Jefferson County, and does not support industrial scale solar farms on rural lands. County Judge Deborah McLaughlin expressed this in striking down the April 21, 2021 Comprehensive Plan text amendment. By lobbying during the 2022 Legislative Session for HB 4553, Stolipher is supporting state legislation that attempts to skirt local zoning regulations by allowing solar farms in any zoning district anywhere in the state as a matter of right. This is in direct contradiction to his responsibility as a County Commissioner to represent the best interests of all of his constituents, not just a handful of large landowners and farmers. In other words, this lobbying it is self-dealing.
In conclusion, I urge you to drop the petition attempting to remove County Commissioners Jackson and Krouse. They have been looking out for the best interests of all of the citizens in Jefferson County. If voters want to remove Jackson and Krouse they will decide that issue at the ballot box at their next reelection.
Richard Urban
Harpers Ferry, WV
Open Letter to Prosecutor Matt Harvey re Jackson & Krouse - VisionRoot
December 13, 2023 Matt Harvey Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney P.O. Box 729 Charles Town WV 25414 Dear Prosecutor Harvey, This is an open letter to…Richard Urban (VisionRoot)
#146-Solar Farms Cause Esthetic & Environmental Damage to Jefferson County WV
#146-Solar Farms Cause Esthetic & Environmental Damage to Jefferson County WV - VisionRoot
Industrial scale solar farms are not in alignment with Jefferson County WV’s Comprehensive Plan. Furthermore, they are causing environmental damage and ruining…Richard Urban (VisionRoot)
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
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